Thursday, March 20, 2014


Defiance was a great movie! I truly enjoyed it. It had a great story that was portrayed very well by all the actors. Tuvia's quote was quite powerful. When he says "Our revenge is to live", I believe he means that instead of going to kill all of the Germans that they should do everything that they can to survive. Because if they survive, the plans of the Germans have failed and that in itself is a victory. Humanity and revenge is quite prevalent through out the movie. The relationship between them is quite close. One is the natural urge to retaliate, while the other is the ability to not retaliate because you know it's not right to hurt someone just because it was done to you. I think that revenge is very natural, not just for humans. I'm not particularly sure if animals take revenge but I would imagine they do. I don't believe that revenge can be an act of humanity.

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